Don’t keep your head in the Clouds – Keep your files there!

Backing up your files is an essential insurance for any successful business or even individuals with precious sentimental images. The thing is though, when an emergency strikes, can you really remember where you put that spare hard drive or SD Card amongst all your other stuff? What better concept to keep things safe than using Online Backup Services on the Cloud instead?


Let’s be honest, backing up your computer files is not going to be at the top of anyone’s to-do list, but it really should be. Without a backup you run the risk of losing data with no easy way of getting it back. But how likely is it to lose data? You’d be surprised. A backup is a useful just in case of:

  • Virus Attacks
  • Computer Crashes
  • Theft
  • Accidental Deletion
  • Breaches of Security
  • Damage to your computer

As the old saying goes: prevention is better than cure. In the same way as you would put your business documents in a safety deposit box or a fire proof case, you should also protect your documents and images. If you knew a flood was coming, you’d move everything upstairs, right? Online backup services act like this and are there to pre-empt data loss or damage.

Backing up data is easier than it sounds, and in most cases it is as quick as putting the files on the computer in the first place! With many of business now getting rid of paper documents and switching to digital as a means of cost reduction, computer file backup is more important than ever. Don’t let your business fall in to the trap of thinking “It will never happen to me” – get covered! Over the long term, it will save you more than just money.

The Cloud

Online backup services also fall under the catch-all title of the Cloud. This Cloud is slightly different to the ones that float around in the sky; it is a real-time communication network that allows users to access documents and files from anywhere on the internet. Depending on your needs, these can be set up as private cloud infrastructures operated only by a single organisation or set of individuals. Alternatively it can be arranged for public or community access.

These services provide a quick and easy way to access your files from any computer or media device equipped with internet access. This is remote and secure as files are password protected and it is cost-efficient: the service used can cost as little for your business as the internet connection itself! Cloud backup systems will also automatically compress files to take up less storage and will update any changes you make so there’s no need to re-save wherever you are. Because storage on the Cloud is virtual, there is also no need to spend your well-earned pounds on additional physical hardware. So, no pesky USB sticks anymore.

If you are worried about security then simply make sure you pick a service that has encryption keys and get your information coded. This way your important data will be stored so that only the appropriate people can read it – that is as long as you remember the passphrase. Even if your system is hacked your encrypted information should be safe.

So don’t keep your head in the clouds anymore – keep your documents there instead with online backup services.

Posted on December 17, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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